Title | Digital conversion of Peck, J.H., 1975, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Clinton quadrangle, Worcester County, Mass., U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 75-658 |
Publication Type | Map |
2012 | |
Authors | Peck, JA |
Series Editor | Kopera, JP |
Series Title | Digital Conversion |
Edition | DC12-01 |
Massachusetts Geological Survey | |
#BedrockMap, #MGSPub, andalusite, ayer granite, Berlin, Bolton, Boylston, Clinton, Clinton-Newbury Fault, Devens, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, nashoba, Oakdale Quartzite, Peck, phyllite, quartzite, Reuben's Hill Formation, Sterling, tadmuck brook schist, Tower Hill quartzite, Wekepeke Fault, Worcester Formation | |
This map is an interim product and will be superseded by an updated bedrock map of the quadrangle in 2016. This map is a digital version of USGS OFR 75-658: http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/ofr75658 There are some cartographic errors in creating a digital version: A Jurassic diabase dike along the western edge of the quadrangle is not shown in the digital version. These errors are being corrected. | |
Map Scale | 1:24000 |
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