Maps, Data, Publications, and Resources
A cost-effective technique for reconnaissance evaluation of aquifers. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Aquifer Restoration and Ground-Water Monitoring 3, 213 - 219 (1983).
Lineaments; their value in assessing regional groundwater availability and quality in bedrock aquifers of glaciated metamorphic terrains; a case study. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 25, 35 - 35 (1993).
Correlation of lineaments and bedrock fracture fabric; implications for regional fractured-bedrock aquifer studies, preliminary results from Georgetown, Maine. Ground Water Management 3, 283 - 297 (1990).
Hydrogeologic investigation of the west Charlemont aquifer, Charlemont, Massachusetts. 116 (Massachusetts Geological Survey, 2007). at <>