Maps, Data, Publications, and Resources
Origin of the rocks at Bishop and Clerks shoal and Collier Ledge, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts: Field report. 36 (Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist, 2004). at <>
Origin of the Rocks at Bishop and Clerks Shoal and Collier Ledge, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts – Field Report. 34 (Massachusetts Geological Survey, 2005).
Onshore-Offshore Surficial Geologic Map of the Newburyport East and Northern Half of the Ipswich Quadrangles, Massachusetts. Geologic Map (2010).
Note: this version has been peer reviewed, edited, and supersedes all previously published, open-file, versions of this map (2010)
Overcoming the momentum of anachronism; American geologic mapping in a twenty-first-century world. Special Paper - Geological Society of America 502, 103 - 125 (2013).