Title | Bedrock Geologic Map of Massachusetts |
Publication Type | Map |
1983 | |
Authors | Zen, E-an, Goldsmith, R, Ratcliffe, NM, Robinson, P, Stanley, RS, Hatch, NL, Shride, AF, Weed, EGA, Wones, DR |
Series Title | USGS Unnumbered Series |
United States Geological Survey | |
ISBN | 978-0-607-82552-7 |
USGS Store Product Number 32370 | |
USGS Alternate ID GSG0021-1T | |
#MassGeology, #MassGeologyMap, #StateGeologicMap, bedrock geology, eastern MA, GEOLOGIC MAP, GEOLOGY, map, massachusetts, western MA | |
(Zen et al., 1983) The 1:250,000 scale Bedrock Geologic Map of Massachusetts, published by the USGS in 1983, shows the distribution of the different rock units, faults, and other features that make up the bedrock of Massachusetts. It was compiled from published 1:24,000-scale maps., unpublished data, and field reconnaissance by the authors. Many areas of the state, however, have yet to be mapped thoroughly at 1:24,000 scale. A paper version can be ordered from the USGS Store (http://store.usgs.gov/) by searching for Product Number: 32370 or by clicking the links below. A two-volume text, The Bedrock Geology of Massachusetts, published in 1991, accompanies the map. The publication is catalogued as U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1366 A-D (western Mass.) and 1366 E-J (eastern Mass.) A variety of ways to download the map and text are listed in "Other Links" below. | |
http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/Prodesc/proddesc_16357.htm | |
Map Scale | 1:250,000 |