Title | [Draft] Fracture characterization map of the Hudson quadrangle, Massachusetts |
Publication Type | Map |
2005 | |
Authors | Mabee, SB |
Series Title | Open-File Report |
Massachusetts Geological Survey | |
#FractureMaps, #MGSPub, Berlin, Bolton, Boxborough, fault, fracture, fracture characterization, fracture trace, Harvard, Hudson, joint, Malborough, Stow | |
This preliminary version of the Fracture Characterization Map of the Hudson Quadrangle (Kopera, 2006) has been removed pending the future release of an updated version of the underlying bedrock geologic. The above version should be considered outdated. If you would like a copy of the outdated map, please contact Joseph Kopera at jkopera[at]geo[dot]geo[dot]umass[dot]edu | |
Map Scale | 1:24000 |
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