Title | Preliminary bedrock geologic Map of the Milford quadrangle |
Publication Type | Map |
2007 | |
Authors | Kopera, JP, Shaw, CE, Fernandez, M |
Series Title | Open-File Report |
Edition | OFR-07-01 |
Massachusetts Geological Survey | |
#BedrockMaps, #FractureMaps, #MGSPub, acadian, alaskite, alleghenian, amphibolite, antiform, Ashland, avalon, bedrock map, blackstone, fracture, GEOLOGIC MAP, gneiss, granite, Holliston, hopedale quartzite, Hopkinton, ironstone diorite, joints, l-tectonite, Mendon, MGS Publication, Milford, neoproterozoic, Northbridge, proterozoic, quarries, quartzite, Upton, Westborough | |
Fracture Characterization Map is included as sheets 2 and 3. Water Resources data included as sheet 4. GIS and metadata forthcoming | |
Map Scale | 1:24000 |
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