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Filters: Keyword is chelmsford granite and Author is Joseph P Kopera [Clear All Filters]
Arsenic in central Massachusetts bedrock and groundwater. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 42, 216 - 217 (2010).
Bedrock geologic map of the Ayer 7.5’ quadrangle, Worcester and Middlesex Counties, Massachusetts (2015). Open File Report
Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the area surrounding Shepley's Hill, Towns of Ayer and Devens, Massachusetts. Open-File Report (2008).
Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Ayer quadrangle, Massachusetts. Open-File Report (2006). at <>
Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Westford quadrangle, Massachusetts. Open-File Report (2009).
Preliminary fracture characterization map of the Ayer quadrangle, Massachusetts. Open-File Report (2006).