Title | A structural framework for the Nashoba Terrane in eastern Massachusetts. |
Publication Type | Conference Proceedings |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | Kopera, JP, Massey, MA |
Conference Name | Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America |
Volume | 45 |
Pagination | 107 |
ISBN | 00167592 |
Keywords | #StaffPubs, Cambrian, eastern Massachusetts, exhumation, fabric, fault zones, faults, foliation, massachusetts, metamorphism, Nashoba terrane, Ordovician, Paleozoic, Structural geology, tectonics, United States |
Abstract | The exhumation and tectonic significance of the migmatitic Cambro-Ordovician arc-complex of the Nashoba terrane, located between lower-grade rocks of the Avalon and Merrimack terranes in Massachusetts, has historically presented an enigma, in part, due to a lack of detailed analysis of internal structure. We propose a new terrane-scale structural model based on nearly a decade of detailed geologic mapping to provide a framework for future study. A subvertical NE-striking composite fabric (S (sub n/n-1) ) forms the dominant structural grain of the terrane. S (sub n) commonly deforms an older layer-parallel foliation (S (sub n-1) ) about meter- to kilometer-scale, upright to steeply inclined, NE- and SW-plunging, tight disharmonic folds (F (sub n) ). In the Nashoba Formation migmatites, S (sub n) commonly transposes a subhorizontal S (sub n-1) enveloping surface into spaced meter-scale subvertical shear bands that are absent in the dominantly metavolcanic Marlborough Formation. Fold axis-parallel mineral stretching and intersection lineations (L (sub n) ) are locally overprinted on S (sub n) by subhorizontal peak metamorphic to retrograde mineral lineations (L (sub n/n+1) ). Ambiguous D (sub n) kinematics in the NE transition SW along strike to top-to-NW normal fold vergence and drag along steep north-dipping S (sub n) axial planes and S (sub n) - S (sub n+1) shear bands. Later strain (S (sub n+1) - S (sub n+2) ) appears to be progressively partitioned at lower grade to pre-existing S (sub n) shear bands and discrete internal and terrane bounding fault zones which display early high-grade top-to-SE dextral or sinistral motion (S (sub n-1) - S (sub n) ) broadly overprinted by lower-grade top-NW movement (S (sub n+1) ). We propose a tentative tectonic history incorporating sparse existing geochronologic and petrologic studies: Top SW D (sub n-1) motion coeval with approximately 425 Ma sill-grade metamorphism and possible accretion. D (sub n) initiating syn approximately 395 Ma peak metamorphism with migmatite generation along S (sub n) and progressive bulk fabric development largely complete by the intrusion of the relatively undeformed approximately 349 Ma Indian Head Hill granite. Exhumation can be accommodated by well-documented syn-to-post D (sub n) regional sinistral motion combined with progressively lower grade top-NW extension along discrete structures continuing through deposition and deformation of presumed Carboniferous basin sediments along the terrane boundary. |
URL | https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2013NE/webprogram/Paper215867.html |
A structural framework for the Nashoba Terrane in eastern Massachusetts.
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