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Filters: Author is Stephen B Mabee and Keyword is permeability [Clear All Filters]
Fracture characterization maps; a new type of geologic map for hydrogeologic applications. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 37, 145 - 145 (2005).
Fracture characterization of crystalline bedrock for groundwater investigations; an example from the Marlborough Quadrangle, Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 36, 113 - 113 (2004).
Comparison of three fracture sampling methods for layered rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences [1997] 47, 218 - 226 (2010).
A field study (Massachusetts, USA) of the factors controlling the depth of groundwater flow systems in crystalline fractured-rock terrain. Hydrogeology Journal 18, 1839 - 1854 (2010).
A method of estimating bulk potential permeability in fractured-rock aquifers using field-derived fracture data and type curves. Hydrogeology Journal 21, 357 - 369 (2013).