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A method of estimating bulk potential permeability in fractured-rock aquifers using field-derived fracture data and type curves. Hydrogeology Journal 21, 357 - 369 (2013).
Influence of rock fabric on fracture attribute distribution and implications for groundwater flow in the Nashoba Terrane, eastern Massachusetts. Journal of Structural Geology 30, 464 - 477 (2008).
A field study (Massachusetts, USA) of the factors controlling the depth of groundwater flow systems in crystalline fractured-rock terrain. Hydrogeology Journal 18, 1839 - 1854 (2010).
Correlation of lineaments to ground water inflows in a bedrock tunnel. Ground Water 40, 37 - 43 (2002).
An update of geologic mapping in Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 36, 58 - 58 (2004).
A new way of looking at, and mapping, bedrock; the hydrostructural domain map of the Ayer Quadrangle, northeastern Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, 166 - 166 (2006).
Landslides from Tropical Storm Irene in the Deerfield Watershed, western Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 45, 83 - 84 (2013).
Implications for non-traditional geothermal resources in southern New England; variability in heat potential based on thermal conductivity and geochemistry studies. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 44, 76 - 77 (2012).
Identifying and examining potential geothermal resources in non-traditional regions, examples from the northeastern U.S. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 43, 40 - 40 (2011).
Fracture patterns across two terrane boundaries in eastern Massachusetts; implications for regional groundwater flow and recharge. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, 434 - 434 (2006).
Fracture characterization of crystalline bedrock for groundwater investigations; an example from the Marlborough Quadrangle, Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 36, 113 - 113 (2004).
Foraminifera ecology on the continental shelf, Merrimack Embayment, Gulf of Maine, New England. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 42, 82 - 82 (2010).
Field mapping and fracture characterization techniques predict groundwater preferential flow paths in fractured bedrock aquifers, Nashoba Terrane, MA. AGU Fall Conference, 2005 86, 1477 (2005).
Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 2, Fracture-supported coincident lineaments and subsurface structures. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 348 - 348 (1999).
Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 4, Occurrence and characterization of groundwater inflows. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 348 - 348 (1999).
Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 1, Lineaments and subsurface structures. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 347 - 348 (1999).
Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 3, Surface vs. subsurface fracture characteristics. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 348 - 348 (1999).
Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 5, Geochemical interpretation of groundwater inflows. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 348 - 348 (1999).
Deep geothermal potential of New England granitoids; the Fall River Pluton, southeastern Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 43, 63 - 63 (2011).
A cost-effective technique for reconnaissance evaluation of aquifers. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Aquifer Restoration and Ground-Water Monitoring 3, 213 - 219 (1983).
Correlation of lineaments to ground water inflows in the MWRA tunnel. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 33, 114 - 115 (2001).
Converting paper geologic maps to digital products; the search for an effective method. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 35, 276 - 276 (2003).
Comparison of lineaments with bedrock structures along a cross-strike transect, eastern Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 30, 278 - 278 (1998).
Characterizing fractured crystalline bedrock aquifers using hydrostructural domains in the Nashoba Terrane, eastern Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, 25 - 25 (2006).