Maps, Data, Publications, and Resources
Characterizing fractured crystalline bedrock aquifers using hydrostructural domains in the Nashoba Terrane, eastern Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, 25 - 25 (2006).
Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 5, Geochemical interpretation of groundwater inflows. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 348 - 348 (1999).
Lineaments; their value in assessing regional groundwater availability and quality in bedrock aquifers of glaciated metamorphic terrains; a case study. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 25, 35 - 35 (1993).
A field study (Massachusetts, USA) of the factors controlling the depth of groundwater flow systems in crystalline fractured-rock terrain. Hydrogeology Journal 18, 1839 - 1854 (2010).