UMass Sesquicentennial

Maps, Data, Publications, and Resources

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Water Science for Schools (USGS). at <>
Virtual Courseware - online activities related to earthquakes, global warming, hydrology, and geologic dating. at <>
The USGS Landslide Handbook– A Guide to Understanding Landslides. at <>
USGS Educational Resources. at <>
Tapestry of Time and Terrain. at <>
The Science Education Resource Center at Carlton College. at <>
Schoolyard Geology. at <>
Revolutionizing Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century - Report and Recommendations from a 50-State Analysis of Earth Science Education conducted by TERC for NOAA, Posted June 11, 2007. (PDF, 1.1 MB). at <>
A primer on Plate Tectonics - from UC Berkely Museum of Paleontology. at <>
NeMO Explorer - virtual tour at the New Millennium Observatory, a seafloor observatory at an active underwater volcano. at <>
National Park Service Teacher Resources. at <>
National Earth Science Education Standards. at <>
Learning from the Fossil Record. at <>
Geology Tours of National Parks. at <>
Educational Resources for K-16. at <>
Education and Teacher Resources -K-12 lesson plans and resources from the Geological Society of America. at <>
Earthlearningidea. at <>
Earth Science Lesson Plans (from the Maine Geologic Survey). at <>
Earth Science Educational Resources (from AGI). at <>
Digital Library for Earth Systems Education. at <>
The American Geological Institute - News and Resources for geoscientists and teachers. at <>


The MA Geological Survey
Department of Geosciences
269 Morrill Science Center
University of Massachusetts
611 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9297

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Ph: (413) 545-4814
Fax: (413) 545-1200

stategeologist at geo dot umass dot edu

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