Maps, Data, Publications, and Resources
Prototype three-dimensional surficial materials map of the Marlborough quadrangle, Massachusetts. Open-File Report
Slope Stability Map of Massachusetts. MGS Miscellaneous Map (2013).
Map comprised of report and 3 sheets.
Carbon Sequestration: Developing an assessment of potential CO2 storage resources in Massachusetts - Final Report: Estimate of CO2 Storage Resource Potential in Massachusetts Saline Aquifers and Unmineable Coal Seams. 62 (Massachusetts Geological Survey, 2011). at <>
Experiments Summarizing the Potential of CO2 Sequestration in the Basalts of Massachusetts – Final Report. 103 (Massachusetts Geological Survey, 2011). at <>
Field Investigation of the Geology and Possible Pisolitic Bauxite Occurrence at Menemsha Hills Reservation, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. (Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist, 2008). at <>
A microfossil evaluation of sediment deposits on the continental shelf, Merrimack embayment, New England. 60 (Massachusetts Geological Survey, 2007).
Origin of the rocks at Bishop and Clerks shoal and Collier Ledge, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts: Field report. 36 (Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist, 2004). at <>