Maps, Data, Publications, and Resources
The Dynamic Digital Map of New England by Chris Condit (U-Mass, Amherst). at <>
The Flow of Time - 500 Million Years of Geohistory in the Connecticut River Valley. (Earthview LLC, 2000). at <>
The Rise and Fall of Lake Hitchcock - New England's Greatest Glacial Lake. (Earthview LLC, 2000). at <>
The stone quarry industry: Pelham, Massachusetts. (1998). at <>
A copy of this publication can be viewed at the U-Mass Libraries special collections
Western Massachusetts Mineral Localities. (Valley Geology, 1992).
The bedrock geology of Massachusetts. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1366, (United States Geological Survey, 1988).
Bedrock Geologic Map of Massachusetts. USGS Unnumbered Series (1983). at <>
Massachusetts mineral and fossil localities. (Krueger Enterprises, 1978). at <>
Preliminary compilation of the bedrock geology of the land area of the Boston 2 degree sheet, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. USGS Open File Report (1977). at <>
An alternative interpretation of the geology of the eastern part of the state.
A Bibliography of Massachusetts Minerals 1796 - 1948. Special Department Publication (Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy, U-Mass, 1950).
Dinosaurs, Dunes, and Drifting Continents: the Geohistory of the Connecticut Valley. at <>