UMass Sesquicentennial

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Hardcastle, K. C., Curry, P. J., Williams, K. W. & Mabee, S. B. Factors influencing groundwater inflows in a newly constructed cross-strike tunnel, eastern Massachusetts; 2, Fracture-supported coincident lineaments and subsurface structures. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 31, 348 - 348 (1999).
Hatch, N. L. et al. The bedrock geology of Massachusetts. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1366, (United States Geological Survey, 1988).
Heeley, R. W. & Mabee, S. B. A cost-effective technique for reconnaissance evaluation of aquifers. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Aquifer Restoration and Ground-Water Monitoring 3, 213 - 219 (1983).
Hein, C. J., Fitzgerald, D.M,, Barnhardt, W. A. & Stone, B. D. Onshore-Offshore Surficial Geologic Map of the Newburyport East and Northern Half of the Ipswich Quadrangles, Massachusetts. Geologic Map (2010).
Note: this version has been peer reviewed, edited, and supersedes all previously published, open-file, versions of this map (2010)
Hildreth, C. T. & Stone, B. D. [Draft] Surficial geology of the Marlborough quadrangle, Massachusetts. Open-File Report (2004).
GIS and metadata forthcoming
P. House, K., Clark, R. & Kopera, J. P. Overcoming the momentum of anachronism; American geologic mapping in a twenty-first-century world. Special Paper - Geological Society of America 502, 103 - 125 (2013).
Kopera, J. P., Williams, M. L. & Jercinovic, M. J. Age-constraints on fabric reactivation in the Tusas Range, northern New Mexico, using electron-microprobe monazite geochronology; implications for the nature of regional approximately 1400 Ga deformation. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 34, 180 - 180 (2002).
Kopera, J. P. The Nashoba Terrane: A new tectonostratigraphy and shared structural styles with the Merrimack belt in Massachusetts. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47, 42 (2015).
Peck, J. A. Digital conversion of Peck, J.H., 1975, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Clinton quadrangle, Worcester County, Mass., U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 75-658. Digital Conversion (2012).
Kopera, J. P. Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Ayer quadrangle, Massachusetts. Open-File Report (2006). at <>
Kopera, J. P., DiNitto, R. G. & Hepburn, J. C. Bedrock geologic map of the Marlborough quadrangle, Massachusetts. geologic Map (2004).
Kopera, J. P. & Mabee, S. B. A new way of looking at, and mapping, bedrock; the hydrostructural domain map of the Ayer Quadrangle, northeastern Massachusetts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, 166 - 166 (2006).
Kopera, J. P. & Nathan, S. A. Land area potentially affected by sea level rise along the Massachusetts coast. Open-File Report (2006). at <>
Kopera, J. P. & Hansen, W. R. Preliminary Bedrock Geologic Map of the Hudson 7.5' Quadrangle Worcester and Middlesex Counties, Massachusetts. Open File Report (2014).
Note: This map supersedes "Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Hudson quadrangle, Massachusetts", MGS map published in 2005 Report accompanies map-- be sure to download both!



The MA Geological Survey
Department of Geosciences
269 Morrill Science Center
University of Massachusetts
611 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9297

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